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Ellendale Volunteer Fire Company
The Power to Act & The Pride to Serve
Station 75 - Sussex County, Delaware


Fatal M.V.C. - South Union Church RD

February 22, 2009

At 4:18 a.m. Sunday February 22, 2009 the Ellendale Fire Dept. was dispatched to a M.V.C. on South Union Church RD between Truitt RD and Beach HWY. A-75 went responding with a crew of 2, shortly after dispatch along with 75 Command Assistant Chief Rowland Moore. Sussex EOC advised responding units that there was 1 vehicle off the road into some trees and possibly 2 patients 1 believed to be unconscious and trapped. 75 Command went on scene with a pick up into a row of trees with one patient out of the vehicle and one still inside. Rescue 75 went responding with a crew of 5 and Fire Chief Andy Jones. A-75's crew assessed the patients and determined that there was a Priority 2 and possible Priority 4. Rescue 75 arrived and went ahead with assisting the EMS crew with patient care. Engine 75-2 went responding with a crew of 3 and Rescue Captain D'Wan Shorts. It was confirmed a short time later with the arrival of Medic 101 that it was a Priority 4 patient. A-75 transported the driver of the vehicle to Milford Memorial Hospital with minor injuries. The crew from Engine 75-2 arrived an assisted Rescue 75's crew on disabling the vehicle. 75 Command went under control holding units at 5:02 a.m. Crews remain on scene assisting D.S.P. and their F.A.I.R. team. All 75 units cleared the scene at 6:45 a.m. The road was closed for 4 hours.