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Ellendale Volunteer Fire Company
The Power to Act & The Pride to Serve
Station 75 - Sussex County, Delaware

Auxiliary Membership

Cyrus Edward Clendaniel

Cyrus was a WW1 veteran, a charter member and former commander of American Legion Sussex Post 8, a past master of Endeavor Lodge AF & AM Masonic Lodge in Milton, a High Priest of Hope Chapter #7 Royal Arch Masons in Georgetown, and a past Illustrious Master of Joppa Council #3 of the Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of Delaware.

Positions Held

1935 - Director

1934 - Director

1933 - Director

1931 - President

1931 - Director

1928 - Fire Chief

1927 - Fire Chief

1925 - Fire Chief

1925 - Treasurer